An experienced environmental consultant
S-Cubed Environmental brings years of experience in developing sustainability strategies, conducting waste audits, designing environmental education and reporting, hosting public engagement, open houses and information sessions, and providing community resources and liaison services. Scroll down for details.
S-Cubed Environmental Project List
Feedback Frames
Feedback frames can quickly assess group opinion on important issues
Involving community
Engaging Vermilion’s community in using a greener waste management program
Considering compost
Adding a composting program could divert half of Langdon’s garbage from the landfill.
Introducing curbside collection
Involving community members helped develop a recycling program that suited their needs.
Waste audits help with planning
Information from ICI and C&D waste audits allowed the City of Calgary to plan strategically.
Strategies to reduce waste
One simple change could significantly reduce waste at City of Calgary facilities.
Stacey builds strong relationships with her clients and puts in extra effort to make sure they have the results they need. We have valued the opportunities to work with Stacey and clients know they can trust and have confidence in the anonymity of the data collected. Stacey is committed to zero waste and shares her passion with others!